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BBQ Macaroni and Cheese


Wheat is a grain that is very commonly used in the Western diet. Wheat is used for flour to make baked foods, breads, pastas, crackers, and many many other foods. Wheat can also be used as an emulsifier in foods, which means it may be in foods that you wouldn't suspect.

Emulsifier: a special substance used to keep a mixture stable and prevent separation. This is common in food world, these emulsifiers help bind ingredients together!

Fast Facts

Foods Included:

  • Breads

  • Bread Crumbs, Panko Crumbs

  • Pasta, Noodles

  • Flour Tortillas

  • Crackers

  • Baked Goods - Desserts (Cookies, Cakes, Pies, Brownies, etc); Breakfast Foods (Donuts, Pancakes, Waffles, French Toast, Kolaches, etc.)

  • Cereals/Cream of Wheat

  • Couscous

  • Malt

  • Matzo

  • Breaded Meats/Foods or with Breads Mixed In (chicken nuggets, meatloaf, meatballs)

Other Names Commonly Seen In Ingredient Lists, associated with Wheat:

  • All Purpose Flour

  • Flour

  • Bread

  • Bulgur

  • Farro / Emmer

  • Farina

  • Gluten

  • Malt, Malted Barley, Malt Extract

  • Matzo meal (Matza, Matzah)

  • Semolina

  • Spelt

  • Wheat

  • Wheatgrass

  • Tabboulah

  • Fu

Quick Ways To Expose

  • Pasta and Noodle Dishes

  • Toast with different toppings

  • Crackers (age appropriate)

  • Cream of Wheat Cereal - add in fruits, veggies, dairy, breastmilk/formula, seasonings, butter, etc. for additional flavors and nutrients!

  • Puff Cereal

  • Add flour/bread crumbs to foods - egg muffins, breaded chicken, top veggies or puree with bread crumbs

Random Facts and Tips!

  • Wheat Allergy is NOT the same as Celiac Disease. Both are a result of impaired immune response in ways. Celiac Disease involves a different type of response (typically manifested in the gut) when exposed to Gluten. Gluten is found in Wheat, Rye, Barley, and many other foods that overlap with Wheat Allergy given the source of reaction. Celiac Disease does not pose a direct risk of anaphylaxis. Wheat allergy does.

  • Avoid breads made with Honey under age 1. Honey poses a risk of botulism in infants under age 1.

  • Avoid breads with nuts, dried fruits, and large seeds. These may pose a choking risk.

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