National Peanut Butter Day!
(What W Eats & Ideas to Include Peanuts/Peanut Butter):
Today is National Peanut Butter Day!!🥜
Peanuts changed the game in 2015 when the LEAP Study was published, showing that early and consistent exposure to peanuts helped reduce to incidence of peanut allergy in life. 👀🤯🥜
It is recommended to introduce peanuts between 4-10 months of age + continuing exposure through the age of 5 (and beyond!)🥜
Let’s check out some yummy Peanut & Tree Nut foods that we like to munch on! 🥜🌰
(*W is ~8-13 months in these shots)
Nut Butter + Banana (extra points if it’s frozen)🍌
Pad Thai 🍱🍜
Nut Butter + any fruit puree or spread
Nut based dairy substitutes (Remember- this should be in addition to breastmilk/formula as well as cow’s milk, not replace!! unless discussed with YOUR doctor*) 🍦🥛
Nuts/Nut Butter + Sweet Potato 🥔
Nut Butter + Yogurt
Looking for some other Peanut / Peanut Butter Based ideas?!
Peanut Butter Oatmeal / Oatmeal Bites
Peanut Butter Smoothie
Peanut Butter / Nut Butter Popsicles - mix with cow's milk, yogurt, breastmilk, fruit, water, etc.
Peanut Butter Mini Muffins
Peanut Butter + Pumpkin Puree
Nut Butter on Toast (thin layer)
Peanut Butter + Quinoa
Peanut Butter on sliced Banana, sliced Strawberry, etc.
Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwich
Peanut Butter Ice Cream
⚠️ Use Caution when serving nuts/nut pieces. Whole nuts and large chunks are a choking risk! Nut Butters are also a choking risk due to how thick/sticky they are. Please serve these appropriately!
A few key things to remember:
Thin peanut butter / Nut Butter with liquids/purees
Thinned Peanut Butter Puree: Mix a small amount of peanut butter with breast milk or formula to create a thinned puree suitable for spoon-feeding.
Mix with pureed fruits, sweet potato, avocado, vegetables, oatmeal, cereals, cow's milk, yogurt, etc.
Peanut Butter Yogurt Blend: Mix a small amount of peanut butter into plain yogurt to create a creamy and nutritious blend.
Start with a small amount! A tiny amount goes a long way, especially in those early introductions!
Peanut Butter on a Spoon: Offer a tiny amount of peanut butter on the tip of a baby spoon for the infant to taste.
Use Smooth Peanut and Nut Butters without chunks
Always monitor for reactions and never leave baby alone during meal or feeding times!
Once peanuts / peanut butter are introduced (same for all common allergens too!) - continue to include them in the diet!
🥜🌰 Extra Good Nutrients: B Vitamins (especially Biotin & Thiamine), Phosphorous, Vitamin E 🌰🥜
Check out some other ideas for Peanut Butter Exposure!
Peanut Butter Playdough! - check out this fun, homemade, edible playdough!
1 cup smooth peanut butter
1 cup powdered sugar
2 tablespoons sweetened condensed milk
Peanut Butter Finger Painting: Use a small amount of smooth peanut butter as edible finger paint. Allow your baby to explore the texture and smell while creating art on a high-chair tray.
Peanut Butter on Baby-Safe Brushes: Spread a small amount of peanut butter on soft baby brushes. Let your baby explore the sensation of brushing against their skin or on a safe surface.
Sensory Bin / Sensory Tray: Set up a station or silicone tray with various foods and textures for baby to explore! (Fun ideas = peanut butter, jellies/jams, pureed fruits, noodles, avocado, banana, shredded cheese, yogurt, frozen items, etc.)
Peanut Butter Teething Cookies
*As always, please consider the age and skill level of your child before feeding! Adjust foods and ideas shown and presented here accordingly to best suit your child!
Meal Time Tips:
Common food allergens can be scary to give. I totally understand!
But hear me out..
It truly is better to expose earlier than later! In 2015, the LEAP study was published, which showed hope for reducing food allergy incidence across the world. In this study, subjects were given peanut from a very early age, and continued to eat peanut through the age of 5. Previous recommendations had encouraged waiting to introduce peanuts until after age 1. However, this study began giving peanut from the start at 4-6 months. Overall, the LEAP study concluded that providing peanut exposure early in life and continuing with frequent exposure through the age of 5 is associated with a decrease in food allergy occurrence and prevalence. Following this study, recommendations shifted from waiting to starting early! It is now recommended to include all 9 most common food allergies in baby's diet during that first year and beyond!
(Check out the LEAP study & early peanut exposure to learn more!)
9 Most Common Food Allergens
Tree Nuts
Allergens cause an immune response in our body. While we know that a peanut is not meant to send us harm, our immune system views the peanut differently. It views this allergen as an invader, similar to a virus. Therefore, it starts to fight it off and can cause an allergic reaction.
Signs / Symptoms of an Allergic Reaction:
Shortness of Breath
Swelling (especially around mouth, face, neck)
***As always, please speak with YOUR pediatrician if you have any questions or concerns!!**
Let's Celebrate Love! New Goodies Available on our Shop!
I have some extra fun goodies that are officially released - TODAY! Here is a quick peak at some of our fun Valentine's designs! Officially available!! (Make sure to check the shop for additional colors available!)

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As always, thank you so much for joining me in this space. Baby Food and Fun, L.L.C. is incredibly special to me and I hope you find the information presented to be useful and helpful along your feeding and parenting journey!
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