What a fun week it has been at Baby Food and Fun! I was recently asked to join The Baby Feeding Coach, Erin Moore, NP, CLC, on her Podcast, "Baby Food 4 Busy Moms"! This was such an awesome moment for me because Erin has been one of my favorites since launching Baby Food and Fun, so it felt really special to be able to connect with her! We talked all things Introducing Common Food Allergens on her episode this week, and it is one to definitely make sure you catch!
This chat was so fun and a great starting point & overview when it comes to introducing common food allergens to your little one!

Quick Review of Common Food Allergens
Overall, there are 9 foods that are considered to be Common Food Allergens.
Tree Nuts
Cow's Milk
In 2015, a study was released to show the benefits of exposing common food allergens early and often to help reduce development of food allergies in the long term. You can and SHOULD start serving these foods once you start serving solids to baby! You can begin introducing these foods from the start (age 4-6 months) and should continue to expose baby to these foods through the age of 5 years old+. Keep in mind, while these are the 9 most common food allergens, any food can potentially be an allergen!
That might sound overwhelming. I totally get it!
Check out my Virtual Masterclass Package below, available to guide you along the way!!

"Fearlessly Introduce Common Food Allergens" Virtual Masterclass Package!
Package Includes:
Virtual, Pre-Recorded Masterclass to Dive Into Introducing Allergens Fearlessly! (1 hour class, unlimited access x3 years, virtual & pre-recorded so you can access on your time and as you need!
. Slideshow of information presented so you have all the information written out as well!
Introducing Common Food Allergens Checklist
Introducing Common Food Allergens Shopping List
Full, Starting Solids Shopping List
Baby Food Storage Safety Magnet (this cute magnet includes safety guidelines such as time/temperatures safety ranges and more! It will be mailed to you so you can have these guidelines within eyesight!)
2 Fun Food Pun Stickers to help brighten your day!!
This course is Pre-Recorded and accessible as you need, when you want to access it! You will have unlimited access to the recording x3 years. Additional resources are yours to keep forever!

Thank you for your support and love in this space! It means more to me than you will ever know.
I truly enjoy sharing this information and I hope you find the information provided valuable. If you do find this information helpful, I kindly ask that you consider sharing - via social media, word of mouth, email, etc. I would love to help support as many out there as I can! <3
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Thank you again for giving Baby Food & Fun, LLC a place to grow and flourish, just like our kids :)
Jessica Enderle, R.D., L.D.
