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Ice Cream Party!

Cow's Milk

Cow's Milk and Dairy

Two main proteins make up mammal's milk: Whey and Casein

Fast Facts

Foods Included:

  • Milk (any kind if made from Cow)

  • Yogurt / Greek Yogurt / Frozen Yogurt

  • Cheese - any kind

  • Ice Cream

  • Cream

  • Baked Goods made with milk

  • Butter

  • Custard

  • Half & Half

  • Sherbet

  • Pudding

  • Sour Cream

  • Entrees or Foods Made with any of the above: Macaroni and Cheese, Cream of Chicken Soup, etc.

Other Names Commonly Seen In Ingredient Lists, associated with Milk:

  • Milk: skim-whole, Vit D milk, evaporated, buttermilk, condensed, dried/dry milk solids, milk solids, pasteurized milk, milk fat. Basically if Milk is the in the name and it is a mammal source, I'd bypass.

  • Butter

  • Casein

  • Cheese

  • Cream

  • Curds

  • Custard

  • Galactose

  • Ghee

  • Half & Half

  • Lactalbumin

  • Lactate Solids

  • Hydrolysates- milk protein, casein, whey, etc.

  • Lactose

  • Lactulose

  • Lactoglobulin

  • Rennet

  • Whey

  • Yogurt

  • Flavorings

Quick Ways To Add It In:

  • Serve as is: slice of cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese, etc.

  • Baked Goods

  • Popsicles

  • Add milk/condensed milk/Yogurt to foods, entrees, purees, etc.

  • Smoothies

  • Add cheese on top!

  • Add butter!

Random Facts & Tips!

  • Infants need whole fat milk until age 2 due to the fat content. This is very beneficial for brain development!

  • You can begin introduction ~6 months or as soon as your Pediatrician has given the go to start solids!

  • Look for pasteurized milk and cheese; plain or no added sugar yogurt

  • Cow's Milk should NOT replace infant formula or breastmilk until after age 1. Cow's Milk MAY be given in various ways for exposure and additional nutrients, however formula/breastmilk should remain the primary nutrition source until after baby's 1st birthday!

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